3rd Annual Los Angeles Global Health Conference Schedule

February 3, 2018

8:00am - 8:45am

8:45am - 9:30am

9:30am - 9:40am

9:40am - 10:25am

10:25am - 10:35am

10:35am - 11:20am

11:20am - 11:30am

11:30am - 12:15pm

12:15pm - 1:30pm

1:30pm - 2:15pm

2:15pm - 2:25pm

2:25pm - 3:10pm

3:10pm - 3:20pm

3:20pm - 4:05pm

4:05pm - 4:50pm

4:50pm - 5:30pm

2018 LAGHC Speaker Threads

Breakfast / Registration 

Mark Dybul Keynote  


Breakout Session 1 – Ophira Ginsburg, Selwyn Rogers, Haroutune Armenian, Parveen Parmar


Breakout Session 2 – Robin Allinson Smalley, Sriram Shamasunder, Richard Walden, TBA


Breakout Session 3 – Student speakers, Fátima Rodríguez, Catherine Thomasson, Paula Palmer


Keynote 2


Breakout Session 4 – Gabriel Maldonado, Chase Adam, Mijin Cha, Student Speakers


Breakout Session 5 – Lara Stemple, Clemens Hong, TBA, Rebecca Trotzky-Sirr

Michelle Morse Keynote


1. Gender and Sexuality in Health: Ophira Ginsburg, Robin Allinson Smalley, Gabriel Maldonado, Lara Stemple

This track features speakers who have devoted their careers to understanding and promoting health equity as it relates to gender and sexual identity. In the context of armed conflict, motherhood, cancer care, or public health leadership and advocacy, this track will enable attendees to gain a wide perspective on how our speakers are shifting priorities, empowering communities, and building the future for women and the LGBTQ community around the world.

2. Community Health Innovation: Selwyn Rogers, Sriram Shamasunder, Fátima Rodríguez, Chase Adam, Clemens Hong

Communities, both physical spaces and groups of people, engender connection and a sense of belonging. This track features speakers who innovate at the intersection of individual and community health in the US and around the globe. From trauma surgery in South Side Chicago to mental health in Chiapas, Mexico, from creating a tech platform for universal health coverage to training frontline health professionals – these talks will focus on driving healthcare solutions for global communities. 

3. Environmental Advocacy and Disaster Management: Haroutune Armenian, Richard Walden, Catherine Thomasson, Mijin Cha

These days, it seems like disaster is everywhere. Perhaps the only thing more pervasive are the health impacts of these disasters, both natural and manmade. From physicians advocating against fracking to an NGO providing humanitarian aid after the disasters of 2017, researching the communities of workers that extract our fossil fuels and the decades-long impact of the 1988 Armenian earthquake, the speakers in this track highlight the current reality and ways forward for health amid environmental crisis. 

4. Immigration, Displacement, and Marginalization: Parveen Parmar, Paula Palmer, Rebecca Trotzky-Sirr, Dr. Elizabeth Barner

This track highlights speakers dedicated to careers in health equity and justice for a wide variety of peoples, including communities particularly subject to marginalization, persecution, rejection, or attack. Our speakers dedicate their careers to serving the health and human rights of these communities: they will speak to this direct service and bring to their talk members of the communities they serve. This track will provide insight into the health of displaced, immigrating, or marginalized peoples here in Los Angeles and around the globe and discuss what is required of us to better listen to and lift up the voices of these communities.